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Subject: cat carry box
Replies: 12 Views: 756

iilmadme 24.04.16 - 12:25am
ok so after i got injured the other week i am trying to get my three cats used to their carry boxes.the oldest two are happy to be put in them randomly for a laugh now.its our little game.but the youngest is having none of please *

mok214 24.04.16 - 02:37am
If you can find a paper sack, open it up and lay it on its side. Then scratch the underneath of the bag and get ready for the giggles.
Soon the kitten will be acclimatized to enclosed spaces and might want a box of its own. *

iilmadme 24.04.16 - 12:40pm
that's a good idea mok.ive been leaving the boxes out n putting catnip in them.the older two like to go in them of their own accord but the little one is deeply suspicious.she never seems to forget what they are for.if i place them too close to her bed she wont go to bed.if i put them near food she avoids the food.n i crack first..i think i need to take her to the vets shortly.i dont have wrapping her in ablanket n shoving her in it will have to be.i still have the scars from last time lol *

iilmadme 24.04.16 - 12:44pm
i dont know if im over reacting but she has had the runs over night.n then she weed.n then she threw up.n now shes calm n responsive but im really not happy.she was ravenous when she woke up n i thought maybe it was over.but that seemed to kick it off again..i dont know whether to put her through the trauma of the vets over a di cky tummy *

nikkei 24.04.16 - 04:58pm
Is she an outside cat iil? *

mok214 24.04.16 - 05:03pm
Was she eating chicken canned food? If so, quite a few cats cannot handle chicken that well. Try beef and see if that helps. *

iilmadme 24.04.16 - 06:47pm
no she's an indoor one isnt the first time she's been like this.ive rushed her in with a bad tummy before when she was very young.n they gave me these meds to squ*rt into her mouth for a week..but the weeing n throwing up thing worried me most because i've seen kidney failure before...however she seems much chirpier now.she's helping herself to biccies n cleaning herself.i get so scared *

iilmadme 24.04.16 - 06:48pm
i just stick to the fish flavours of felix for them mok.and a go cat for indoor cats..i stick with what they like *

mok214 24.04.16 - 07:14pm
Only a few breeds of felines have naturally developed a taste for fish, it is better to stick with poultry or beef because that is the closest to what wild felines eat in nature.

Also dry food can be a problem for some cats because they tend to eat too much of it. *

iilmadme 24.04.16 - 07:20pm
i might try her on something different.i reckon it must be somethin she ate.she always seems more delicate than the others.she's the tiniest cat ive ever had n all *

mz.c 24.04.16 - 09:07pm
My cat throws up with any dry food except go cat so we've stuck at that. With felix pouches. Cats are funny things. Very fussy. Aww.GIF *

iilmadme 25.04.16 - 09:33am
i found that too,mz.c x she seems much better today,back to her normal still wondering if she needs checking over though *

mz.c 25.04.16 - 11:59am
If puts your mind at ease book her in hug.GIF *

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